What does it do? It allows you to create animated GIFs.

How do I install it? First, extract all the files to a new folder, wherever you'd like to have them.

How do I use it? Well, it's not terribly complicated. Before beginning, you should take a look at the available options in the program. First, click Import Sheet near the bottom of the column of buttons on the right, and import a sprite sheet. Then you may use the Auto-Find Boxes feature or manually draw boxes around the sprites you wish to use. Click "Add Box As Frame" to place a box into the animation. Hold Shift if you don't want your current tool to be deselected after you use it. Click the mode button (at the bottom of the left column of buttons) and select Frame Properties to change the properties of a frame. Select "Animation Properties" to change the animation's properties, including Master Frames, which are used to calculate how long frames last in real time. KAF files store the relationship between the final animation and the boxes, and BXS files store the relationship between the boxes and the actual graphical data, so you should save both of those if doing a difficult animation. Otherwise, the program works similarly to other GIF animators you've probably used. Simple, right? Now, here are some minor details:

• Editing a spritesheet in Paint will result in the original file you loaded being changed, unless you loaded an animated GIF, and then it's the temporary bitmap in the program folder, so you should rename it and load it with its new name if you want to keep it.
• "Auto-Find Boxes" is usable in several ways (doing the whole spritesheet, doing just inside a specific area, and starting from one pixel). It requires that there not be actual lines between the sprites, but rather, the background color you select should separate all sprite rectangles by at least one pixel. However, you may select the color of the lines between sprites as the background color, and it theoretically should work fine as long as you only use the "from pixel" mode.

Can I redistribute this? We wouldn't mind at all if you redistributed this program file elsewhere. There's no need for credit or linking to this page. In fact, please, give it to anyone who may use it. It's freeware, after all. However, know that several programmers' work was compiled into this.

If you have difficulties opening the program, check out the site's main page for dependencies.

Where do I get it? Click here to download Kinesis Animator. (Current version: 0.13.1, updated June 11, 2009. Click here for version history.)

I have a problem! If you have difficulties opening the program, check out the site's main page for dependencies. If that doesn't solve your problem, send us an email!

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Christian Kinesis (or the creators of each individual item listed on this page and not credited to a third-party) provides each product "as-is" with absolutely no warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Neither Christian Kinesis nor any of the creators involved will in any case be liable for any damages caused by the provided products. Windows, Microsoft, and Visual Basic are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation, which neither endorses nor is affiliated with Christian Kinesis or the makers of the above software.
This page was last updated June 11, 2009.