What does it do? Paint WIP Grabber essentially takes and saves a screenshot every time you release the left or right mouse button.

This program has been updated since the description on PixelJoint was written. It can now save in any directory with any filename prefix in any of these formats: BMP, PNG, GIF, JPG, or TIF. Additionally, click-capturing can be paused. Finally, it remembers your settings from the last time you closed it.

Can I redistribute this? We wouldn't mind at all if you redistributed this program file elsewhere. There's no need for credit or linking to this page. In fact, please, give it to anyone who may use it. It's freeware, after all.

Where do I get it? Click here to download Paint WIP Grabber.

I have a problem! If you have difficulties opening the program, check out the site's main page for dependencies. If that doesn't solve your problem, send us an email!

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Christian Kinesis (or the creators of each individual item listed on this page and not credited to a third-party) provides each product "as-is" with absolutely no warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Neither Christian Kinesis nor any of the creators involved will in any case be liable for any damages caused by the provided products.
This page was last updated April 10, 2008.