Q Name the innovative educational quiz app made by Aureuscode. Y Card Puncher N Flashcardigan N Flash Cardnauts N The Flashcard Diaries Q Does Card Puncher support multiple correct answers for one question? S someQuestionAudioFile.wav Y Yes S someAnswerAudioFile.wav Y Of course Y Absolutely N No N Bacon Q What must be included for each question in a quiz file when you first create it? Y The question and one correct answer Q When can you record audio for your quiz? Y When making the quiz Y When taking the quiz N Never Q Why is audio significant? Y You are more likely to remember information represented in multiple ways. Y Some individuals are audio learners and remember information better when it is read aloud. Q When should you have Randomize Question Order unchecked? Y While following along in your book N While trying to accurately assess your knowledge Q Why is it wise to use the Hide Answers Initially option? Y Attempting to recall information helps reinforce knowledge more than recognizing information Q What option hides a question from future retakes in Learn mode? Y "I am confident of my answer" Q Which of these traits apply to Card Puncher? Y It supports audio Y It allows a large pool of answers for each question Y Its design considers the psychology of learning