The Total N00b's Guide to Programmer Lingo ----Overview----- The purpose of this document is to inform the inexperienced Internet user of terms, symbols, et cetera commonly used by programmers in communication. ------Terms------ 0 False 1 True Character Any single digit, letter, symbol, space, or linefeed. String Text Comparison Brackets The Less Than (<) symbol and the Greater Than (>) symbol Brackets [ and ] Braces { and } Curled Brackets Braces. Operators Symbols or sets thereof that have a particular operational meaning. Variable A letter or set of letters, numbers, and symbols that represent a number that may or may not be defined previously. Expression A group of operators, strings, variables, etc. that result in a single answer. ----Operators---- A != B A is not equal to B. A <> B A is not equal to B. A ^ B A to the power of B. Bringing A to the B power is the same as multiplying A by itself B times, ie. 2^4 = 2*2*2*2 = 16. A && B Considered "True" if both A and B are true; otherwise, considered "False". A || B Considered "True" if either A or B is true; otherwise, considered "False". ------Other------ [Blah|Apple] Insert either Blah or Apple here. [name] Insert the name here. Brackets suggest that whatever they contain is not a literal string. [Item] The Item in brackets is optional. A phrase in between comparison brackets suggests that its meaning is to be applied to the following text. It is not a literal string. Marks the last character of the special property of the preceding text. / A forward slash at the beginning of a post can mean that a command should be carried out by the one who typed it.